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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: “The Titanic Effect” – Democrats are trying to distance themselves from the top of their own ticket…

With the Gubernatorial debate now a part of history (in case you missed it, my take is here).  Phil Angelides, down by double-digits in every public opinion poll that has been published, desperately needed to have something, anything happen in this one and only debate that would change the horrible position in which Angelides finds himself.

For the last few months, Phil Angelides has been flailing as a candidate, failing to gain any momentum or traction.  Angelides has been unable to convince many core Democrat voters that he is capable of running the complex government apparatus of this large state.  At the same time, Governor Schwarzenegger has been on top of his game, coming across as capable and effective. 

The Governor has been appealing to his core Republican base with his emphasis on his pledge to oppose any new taxes or fees, and he has been appealing to many Democrats and centrist voters by making a big deal out of his support for a few key, liberal policies. 

**There is more – click the link**

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3 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: “The Titanic Effect” – Democrats are trying to distance themselves from the top of their own ticket…”

  1. Says:

    Please do not forget about the 9 Propositions for bonds or tax increases going down in smoke! Yip pee!!! Thanks Phil!

  2. Says:

    Nice read on the down ticket impacts of the Angelides collapse. Unfortunately the Treasurer’s race is not in play. Too bad the CRA and Howard Jarvis folks did not ask Claude Parrish if attending editorial board meetings and having a web site were in his campaign plans before endorsing him.

  3. Says:

    Great analysis, Jon. Maybe this is too much to ask, but couldn’t the Governor just consider endorsing the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Dick Mountjoy, over high-taxing liberal Dianne Feinstein? I realize there’s nothing in it for Scharzenegger, except for doing the right thing….