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Toying with the Treasurer

Governor Schwarzenegger clearly enjoyed the debate.

In fact he took the opportunity to toy with his opponent.  The Governor’s communications shop just put out the following In Case You Missed It.

It is much funnier if you read it while impersonating the governor’s accent.


Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

On Angelides’ Tax Increases

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger: "Well, I think that it is very clear and I can tell that the joy you see in your eyes when you talk about taxes, you just love to increase taxes. I mean, let’s just be very honest about it. … You cannot now change tune after the primary and say all of a sudden you’re giving tax breaks. The fact of the matter is you love increasing taxes and you know the things that you’ve proposed and the things that you have promised is billions of dollars of increase in taxes. Just be very honest with the people rather than avoiding that. Just say to the people, just look out there right now, look out there right now and just say, ‘I love increasing your taxes.’” (Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gubernatorial Debate, Sacramento, CA , 10/7/06)
