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Jennifer Nelson

Poochigian & Brown Debate

Sen. Chuck Poochigian and Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown met today in a debate hosted by the San Francisco Chronicle and CBS 5.  You can watch the debate by clicking here.

It is worth it to watch the whole debate, but here are a few Brown quotes that were very telling:

“I’m running for AG because I want to bring some common sense and a practical approach to that office.  I’ve had a record of integrity and innovation and I know how to get things done.”

I’m thinking that the only people in this state who would link Jerry Brown with common sense are those who have had one pot-riddled brownie too many.

“As mayor, I helped put Oakland on the map.” 

Sure, the map of the U.S.’s most violent communities!

On crime: “I’m doing everything I can do fight it. The issue is not are you stopping all of the murders—because you can’t stop people from killing—but are you doing every thing you can?”

Actually, Mayor Brown, the people of Oakland actually do expect you to stop the killings.  And the people of California will have the same expectation.  We’re not public school teachers giving out feel-good report cards–how hard did you try?–California taxpayers expect real results from our elected leaders.

On victims:  “[Mark Klass] knows that I care about victims.  I see them all of the time.  I just have to walk out my door and go a few blocks.  I see them.”

Again, Mayor Brown, if you were doing a better job stopping crime in your community, you wouldn’t be seeing victims every time you walk outside!

On illegal immigration:  “A lot of employers like to bring illegals in so they can avoid paying them what they should.”

This is a particularly telling quote about Brown’s view of California employers.  Big business is sitting on the sidelines in this race or, worse, giving money to Brown.  These companies are short-sighted.  As Gov. Pete Wilson said the other night, as attorney general, Jerry Brown will be "Eliot Spitzer on steroids.”