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Mike Spence

Jay Leno was wrong about Dick Mountjoy.

Did anyone stay up and watch NBC’s Tonight Show? Jay Leno told a joke about GOP US Senate Nominee Dick Mountjoy and his lack of service on the U.S.S. Missouri. The Los Angeles Times story rests on a mistake Mountjoy staffer Peggy Mew made six years ago. See here.  

The joke was a play on his name. Standard Leno, except then Leno added something about Dick making up his war time service.

Jay Leno is wrong. Even the Los Angeles Times printed his service record. Dick Mountjoy was involved in combat and gun strikes on Communists in Korea as part of his service on the U.S.S Brementon. Period.  Check for yourself.

See his service record here.

Interesting note: The Missouri was deactivated in Brementon, Washington, which served as its’ homeport for many years. Hmmm!

One Response to “Jay Leno was wrong about Dick Mountjoy.”

  1. Says:

    I caught the show, Mike, and appreciate you clearing up the matter. Keep up the great work!