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Mike Spence

Governor signs bills targeting pro-lifers and people of faith: Are armbands for Pharmacists next?

The Governor has signed legislation targeting one side of the political debate, but not and the other and a bill that is designed to publicly shame pharmacists that are pro-life.

The Governor will never win any awards for protecting innocent Human Life. Everyone knew that he was with the exception of possibly parental notification zealously pro-abortion. His COS Susan Kennedy was the chief political operative for the California Abortion Lobby.

In his kowtowing to the extreme pro-abortion agenda of the Democrats in the legislature he has signed three bills under the banner of benefiting "women’s health" that really target political speech and freedom of religion. See release here.

The Governor signed AB 2251, which limits the amount of personal information about abortion business people, volunteers etc. that can be placed on the web. Of course there is a free speech issue here, but let’s say it isn’t okay to put this stuff on the web. Then why are only abortion businesses protected? Dennis Hollingsworth put up an amendment that would have extended these protections to everyone. It was defeated. PETA, unions and others target people on web sites and yet they are free. It should be free for everyone not just one side. Hollywood loves a film about shooting president Bush

He also signed SB 603, which requires reports and laws aimed only at pro-life protesters. (Again everyone else if free, except for politically incorrect pro-life speech). The commission requires that representatives of pro-abortion groups be on the commission. That seems fair.

And finally the governor signed AB 2583. Last year the Governor signed a bill requiring Pharmacists to notify their employer if they object to dispensing certain drugs, like RU-486 etc… Well, that wasn’t good enough now they have to post a sign saying the pharmacy has hired a pharmacist with moral objections. What’s next Governor? Armbands with a yellow cross?

Oops..I didn’t mean to give him an idea.