Since thousands of volunteers who support the re-election of the Governor read this page every day, this seems like a good time to start to have a dialogue about that will happen in Sacramento when Arnold is re-elected by the voters! Given his very wide lead at the moment, and how his opponent Phil Angelides can’t seem to put it together, I think that everyone who prefers to see Governor Schwarzenegger in January and not Governor Angelides can start to look at the rest of the picture — what kind of environment will Arnold Schwarzenegger be operating in when he returns? (This is not an opportuntiy to slack in your hard work, by the way, but rather an invitation to start to think about the bigger picture).
For core Republican voters, I would submit that besides whom we elect Governor, there are two major areas in which we need to focus. One is the defeat of all of spending measures on the November ballot (this includes both the measures that raise taxes to spend, and also the measures that would put our children in debt in order to spend) — and the other is electing down-ticket Republicans into statewide office.
We will be talking about the importance of the down-ticket races in another commentary.
The following statement is very important. It is okay to vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger on the November ballot and then reject all of the bond measures that he is touting along with ulta-liberal Democrats Senate President Don Perata and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez.
*There is more – click the link**