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Jon Fleischman

We want YOUR input!

Believe it or not, we are quickly approaching the FlashReport’s one year anniversary as an on-line website.  Before that, it was an e-mail newsletter for years.  You can read the full history of the FR (and find out who it was the inspired me to start it) by reading the entire history of the FR here.

Today I am asking for your help.  I am going to update the links menus above this coming week and want to ask for your help in the following four ways:

1) Try the links.  If you get time, try to visit some or all of the links to newspapers, editorial pages, cartoons, websites, or blogs.  Let me know if the links have a problem, or if they can be pointed more directly than where they take you now.

2) Look over the links and let me know what I am missing.  Are there websites that should be on our referral list that are absent?  How about blogs that you rely on that you think other FR readers would enjoy?  For example, I will be updating the blog roll to include the new LA Times political blog. 

3) Please give your feedback on how the site could be better.  We recently did some tinkering so that you can now see the most recent three blog posts on the main page, as well as the name and a little photo of the blogger who posted it.  We also have the name and photo with the Daily Commentary — since more and more the other contributors to the site are stepping up to the pen the commentary.

4) Finally, if there are particular column ideas or particular people you would like see pen an original column for the FlashReport (maybe YOU??) — please let me know that, too!

I will look forward to your input either via e-mail here or anonymously here.

Thanks for your patronage of the FlashReport.  Because of our many thousands of loyal readers, we are really having an impact on politics here in the Golden State AND keeping YOU informed!

Jon Fleischman, Publisher