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Jennifer Nelson

The Career Politician in the AG Race: Jerry Brown

Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown’s criticism that Sen. Chuck Poochigian is a “career politician” is laughable.  When has Jerry Brown ever had a REAL job?  He’s either been on the government payroll, running for office, on radio talking about government or giving speeches talking about government.  The man has never gone to a business office or punched a time clock.  Brown may think he knows what it is like for regular folk trying to live and work in California, but he doesn’t.  He’s never had to find child care, look for the right school, talk to a child about being safe in the world or worry about their safety when they go off to college.  Poochigian has raised a family in our state and understands why public safety isn’t just public policy—it’s real life to those of us trying to keep our families safe.  Poochigian worked in the real world before joining Gov. Deukmejian’s administration.  He knows what families go through to afford a house, health care and the other necessities of life.  Before his recent marriage to the millionaire who now runs his campaign, Brown basically lived in a commune. 

Jerry Brown has never had a real job.  He is the career politician in the race for Attorney General.