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Brandon Powers


[H/T to Brandon for posting this ‘proof’ of the Governor making a public appearance today with none other than State Senator Chuck Poochigian, among others, at his side.  The Governor signed some legislation, co-authored by the GOP nominee for Attorney General, that cracks down on sex offenders.  You can watch the video here off of the Gov’s hi-tech website. – Flash]

2 Responses to “Finally!”

  1. Says:


    If I download something from the Governor’s website, I won’t be
    accused of ‘ hacking ‘, will I? :O

    Good photo of Senator Poochigian. Radio spots promoting
    his AG candidacy are ALL OVER San Diego radio. The tag
    line says the Calif. Republican party is paying for them.

  2. Says:

    In all seriousness, I can’t tell if this entry is a sarcastic one or genuinely serious.

    I am leaning towards sarcasm…but, would prefer better than even money on this line.