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Steve Who? Lou What?

Remember Steve Westly?  Well just as the memory of his failed bid for governor is fading, he has announced he has a new PAC according to Kate Folmer at the Mercury News.

The stated goal of Mr. Westly’s new personal political sandbox is to help elect Iranian, LGBT and business community candidates.  See for yourself.  Isn’t it GLBT Steve or did you purposefully want to highlight the ‘L’ over the ‘G’?

Westly also says that one of his target races is the only real competitive state senate seat where he will be supporting Lou Correa in the 34th District in Orange County.

GOP Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher who is performing remarkably well so far in her bid for the 34th Senate Seat against Correa ought to take notice of Wesley’s intentions and perhaps try to unite Republican voters rather than divide them as she headlines in the battle of Rep. v. Dem in November.