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Barry Jantz

Datamar: Arnold, Jessica’s Law, Save Our Homes Cakewalking; Bonds, Taxes, Parental Notification Mixed

Here are the numbers from Datamar on the statewide….

Schwarzenegger, Feinstein Enjoy Comfortable Lead
Propositions 1A, 1B, 1E Passing, 1C, And 1D Failing
Propositions 83, 84, 85, 86, 90 Passing, 88, And 89 Failing
Proposition 87 Too Close To Call

San Diego – A poll released today (9/18) by Datamar Inc., shows Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, 53.6%, and U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, 49%, each with a comfortable lead among high-propensity voters who voted in the 2002 gubernatorial primary and general elections, and the 2004 Presidential
primary and general elections.

In the California Governor’s race Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger leads with 53.6%, Democratic
challenger Phil Angelides trails with 31.4%. Other candidates have 11.4% of the vote, and the
undecided vote stands at just 3.6%.

See it all here.