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Rich people and politics don’t always mix

Conventional wisdom suggests that politics at the upper echelons, is a rich man’s game.  And you can find plenty of examples including our own governor.

However, having money does not necessarily mean you have political acumen.  Warren Buffett is a fine example of this.  Back in 2003 during the heat of the Recall Election battle, Schwarzenegger announced that Billionaire Warren Buffett would be a key economic adviser.

Buffett’s first act as adviser: tell the media that taxes were too low in California.

Flash forward to September 25th, 2006 and the Governor has pulled Buffet into a day-long fund raising effort starting in San Francisco, in LA for lunch and Orange County for an evening reception.

I hope the Join Arnold folks haven’t forgotten that Buffett is so rich that he tends to say things that us little people just don’t understand and that perhaps he should keep he public comments to interesting personal tid bits like how he is giving his kids’ inheritance away to anyone but them.

Hint to Mr. Buffett:  Not a good idea to tell people who pay over 50% of their income to government taxes and fee that they ought to pay more.  You see our 50% is a lot smaller than yours.

One Response to “Rich people and politics don’t always mix”

  1. Says:

    Most people are not aware of the fact that Warren Buffett is a longtime Democrat and a major donor to liberal causes going back to when he helped finance the Gene McCarthy for President campaign 38 years ago.

    Although Buffett is a longtime friend of both Arnold and his wife and also supported him during the recall, this appearance still is not a good thing for Dems by any stretch of the imagination.