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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…He Sells Sanctuary

Nick Inzunza, whose once near-lock on Juan Vargas’ 79th AD seat, or even simply another term as mayor of National City, were both dashed with last December’s SDUT report of His Slumlordness, is making a liberal splash for himself on the way out. 

In the wake of cities like Escondido considering rental laws against illegal aliens and Vista adopting restrictions on the hiring of day laborers, Mayor Nick is doing the exact opposite…proposing National City as a sanctuary for illegals, or what he is calling "immigrants" (see story).  Notwithstanding his claim that this is simply an announcement of the city’s current policies, a few National City residents and some of his council colleagues are a tad surprised by the brazenness of proclaiming support for illegality, including that local law enforcement will turn a blind eye to any knowledge of “undocumented” denizens of the area.

Is Inzunza trying to shore up his liberal stock for a future comeback, once his tenement housing meets code and vector requirements?  I heard someone say today that he may be trying to get back in the good graces of his tenants, not that I would ever say such a thing.

The big question is this.  If Nick’s brother Ralph, the former SD City Councilman caught and convicted in the city’s strippergate scandal, flees to National City to escape any pending penalties imposed on him by the court, will he be offered a safe haven, or will he be "extradited" back up the 5 freeway?

My cheekiness aside, whatever the case, my guess is that Mayor Inzunza cares the least about any outrage over such a proposal, but instead is looking forward to a planned September 30 rally in support of his proclamation.  Any bets on whether IDs will be checked at the event?

The rest of the city council may be very interested in some thoughts on the matter.  (One of them, Ron Morrison, is running to replace Inzunza as mayor.)  Consider emailing them your thoughts here.

3 Responses to “Sunday San Diego…He Sells Sanctuary”

  1. Says:

    Inzunza wants to make NC a sanctuary for illegal immigrants but can’t even keep his own apartment houses in order. Maybe he’s looking for more tenants who won’t complain about the squalor. Let him take his permissive, irresponsible and counterproductive ideas to SF, where he can join a whole city devoted to nothing more than thumbing its collective – and increasingly desensitized – nose at the forces of law and order. His departure will be a good thing for NC and its neighboring communities. Don’t look for the Chargers to seriously consider building a new stadium in NC until he and this outrageous idea are gone and forgotten.

  2. Says:

    I would like to suggest that Inzunza offer to sell political sanctuary for all those politicians caught in questionable activities. San Diego is just up the street and those San Diego Council Members could develop a new political base since “hopefully” the citizens of San Diego have awaken to their follies and will not vote for these politicians again. Viva the People’s Republic of National City!

  3. Says:

    I agree with Mike German that no National City Chargers stadium will ever be taken seriously, not with this kind of mockery of the law in the city. Perhaps the Raiders are looking to leave Oakland again?