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Barry Jantz

JPA in San Diego for Chargers?

The news this morning (posted on the FR main page) about the County and City of San Diego "tag teaming" the Chargers to keep them in San Diego referred to a Joint Powers Agreement….

UnionTrib story

North County Times story

As a result of this news, some may believe that all of the cities in the county may have a say in a JPA.  I’ve received a couple of emails from folks asking me as a La Mesa councilman to oppose any such deal.

I’m at a loss as to how anyone could manipulate a possible county-wide JPA.  City of San Diegans are the only residents that will have any input on a Chargers’ stadium in that city, with National City, Chula Vista and others being in the same boat if their overtures are successful  (National City is dead in the water, regardless of the press attention).  That is, unless the Spanos’ are brain-dead and try something really stupid.  And, I would just love to see the County Supes even suggest that residents in incorporated cities should be burdened with a boondoggle, when the County of San Diego has no land use jurisdiction in any city.  

La Mesa and a number of other cities would say no to any such attempt to burden us with the Chargers’ begging.  As for that, millionaires should pay their own way in such deals.