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Jon Fleischman

Family Action PAC raises funds for McClintock

Six years, a group of conservative Californians who were concerned about the future of the Golden State came together and formed the Family Action Political Action Committee.  Centered in Orange County, the Family Action PAC, over three election cycles of active giving, has combined two very important components which have allowed them to maximize their impact — a sharp focus on supporting those candidates who are fiscally and socially conservative (you can read their mission statement here) combined with a politically sophisticated process of giving in order to make sure that their dollars are going to candidates in primary and general elections who have a higher probability of success.  The PAC has also been an early giver of funds in some instances, helping conservative candidates to gain credibility as they gear up a campaign.
I’ve been closely associated with many of the leaders of the Family Action PAC for many years (actually, for a lot longer than the PAC has been around) and have been blessed to attend a number of their events.  Last Thursday night, I was invited by two of the PAC’s board members, Jim Righeimer and Larry Smith, to attend a small, intimate gathering at Larry’s Newport Beach home — a fundraising event for the Republican candidate for Liuetenant Governor, Tom McClintock.
The event was attended by about 40 or so people in the Smith’s beautiful Big Canyon home.
In the photo above, posing with Senator McClintock, are the Board Members of the Family Action PAC and a couple of guests.  From left to right:  John Saunders (Finance Chairman of the Orange County GOP), Jim Righeimer, Mark Bucher, Rich Wagner (President of the OC Lincoln Club), Tom McClintock, Larry Smith, Kay Weymouth, Tom Bengard, Linda Shown and Doug Swardstrom).
Some of the others I saw there included OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh (with his son Jackson), former Lincoln Club President Michael Capaldi and Lincoln Club Executive Director Clare Venegas, County Treasurer John Moorlach, Buck Johns (with entourage) and many others.
McClintock gave a heartfelt 20 minute talk to guests and then took Q&A for some time — all while literally standing right next to very warm outdoor fireplace (in the ‘hot seat’?).  McClintock was very well receieved.  The Senator came away from the gathering with over $60,000 in contributions — not too shabby for a Thursday hors d’oeuvres reception at a private home!
H/T to OC political fundraiser Jennifer Cowen-Fitzgerald and her team at C7 Communications who were on hand to ‘allieviate’ guests of their checks.