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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Ted Gaines on Prop. 90, Shame on Jerry Lewis, Governor: Reject the Nanny State; More on KOCE boondoggle bill!

One of today’s exclusive FR column comes to you from future Assemblyman Ted Gaines of Roseville, in Placer County.  Gaines looks to be a rising star who will bring solid conservative leadership to our Assembly Caucus when he arrives in December. 
If you blinked at all over the last two years, you probably missed the race to replace termed out Republican Assemblyman Tim Leslie in the 4th AD.  That’s because for the last two years, conservative Placer County Supervisor Ted Gaines has been working tirelessly on his campaign for the Assembly. 
That hard work paid off, as Ted earned the endorsements of local Republican leaders like Congressman John Doolittle, Senator Dave Cox, former Senator Rico Oller, and incumbent Assemblyman Leslie, as well as the CRA, YRFC, and the local central committees in the district. As a result, Ted received a whopping 80.6% of the vote in the Republican primary this past June. 

Gaines’ solid fundraising skills will be a huge asset to Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia’s leadership team, as during his campaign for Assembly Ted has raised over $650,000 and has donated tens of thousands of dollars to the state party, local central committees, and Assembly candidates across the state.

Ted is a longtime Flashreport reader and Republican activist who will bring conservative leadership to the Sacramento area Assembly District.  As a former vice-chairman of the Republican Central Committee in Placer County – California’s only majority Republican County at almost 52% –  Ted was a seasoned conservative activist long before he was elected to the Board of Supervisors in 2000. 

**There is more – click the link**

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