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Barry Jantz

League of California Cities Actually Supports Jessica’s Law

The League of Commun…er, I mean California Cities, not typically known for conservatism, has come out in support of Jessica’s Law.  This, while also supporting nearly every bond and tax increase on the November ballot, as well as opposing the Prop 90 Save Our Homes Initiative (see the list of the League’s positions).

It just goes to show that even when measured by an organization that will usually come out against anything the state does that could be construed as anti-local control (and this is where the League is often right), what a no-brainer Jessica’s Law is.

The Jessica’s Law press release could have been titled, "EVEN the League of California Cities Supports this Thing!"  Here’s what the release does say:

SACRAMENTO – The League of California Cities has voted unanimously to endorse Proposition 83-Jessica’s Law which will toughen penalties on sex offenders and is a comprehensive approach to increase child safety in California.

“Clearly, every community in California understands the importance of Jessica’s Law.  Rural, suburban, urban communities all understand how Jessica’s Law will help keep their children safer,” said Senator George Runner (R-Antelope Valley) and honorary co-chair of Prop 83-Jessica’s Law.  

“We are glad the League of California Cities has taken such a strong stand on Prop 83-Jessica’s Law.  This initiative will toughen penalties and provide important safeguards to increase the safety of every community in California,” said Assemblywoman Sharon Runner (R-Antelope Valley) and honorary co-chair of Prop 83-Jessica’s Law.

The League of California Cities endorsed Prop 83 during their recent board meeting.  Lancaster City Councilmember Ron Smith presented the facts about Prop 83 while a representative from the California Association for Criminal Justice, an association of defense attorneys, tried to argue against Prop 83. 

Councilmember Smith said, “This is an important initiative for the League of California Cities to support.  As a councilmember, I believe it provides me with important new tools to better protect the residents that I represent.”

Proposition 83 – Jessica’s Law will keep predators in prison with mandatory minimum sentences of 15-25 years to life, keep sex offenders from living close to schools and parks where children frequently play, require lifetime GPS monitoring of felony convicted sex offenders, expand parole periods, and toughen punishments for the use of "date rape" drugs, child pornography, and using the Internet to lure children into sex crimes.

For more information, visit  
