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Jon Fleischman

Arnold should re-read Free To Choose

What am I missing here?

Nobel winning economist Milton Friedman on government mandated wage hikes:

"Minimum wage laws cost jobs. Employers cut out, or mechanize, jobs that are not worth the minimum rate to them. Worst affected are the inexperienced young people, those with poor skills, and minorities."

Arnold Schwarzenegger on Milton Friedman:

See the VIDEO!

The money quote from the video: "The more that the government interfered, intervened and inserted itself into the free market, the worse the country did.  That when the government stepped back, and let the free enterprise system do its work, then the better we did, the more robust out ecomony grew, the better I did, the better my business grew, the more I was able to hire and help others."

Then this?

With liberal Democrats surrounding him, Schwarzenegger signs a minimum wage hike put on his desk by liberals (note the beaming smile and ‘thumbs up’ from Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez):

Governor, the Democrats will always be with you when you want to reign in freedom by empowering the government.  Remember who it is that stands with you when you defend the individual liberty of Californians, and oppose government meddling in the free market – Republicans.  What the liberals in the main stream media call a ‘productive’ piece of legislation is, in fact, quite destructive.

2 Responses to “Arnold should re-read Free To Choose”

  1. Says:

    What makes you think he ever read it?

  2. Says:

    I’m sure all the high propensity GOP voters will be receiving a mailer with this picture on it soon, right Team Arnold?