FR friend Mike MeCey just fired this our way — the California Broadcasters Association and Sacramento State Unviersity are hosting the Debate on October 7th, a Saturday, from 6pm – 7pm.
Here is the release from the CA Broadasters:
SACRAMENTO, CA – Treasurer Angelides today accepted the California Broadcasters Association (CBA) offer to produce a live statewide debate, which follows Governor Schwarzenegger’s acceptance last week.
The event will take place on Saturday, October 7th from 6:00 to 7:00 PM at Sacramento State. The debate will be available by satellite to all California radio and television stations. As is standard in CBA debates, simultaneous Spanish translation and closed captioning will be provided.
“Building upon the excitement and intrigue of the 2003 Recall Election debate, the broadcasters are pleased to host the Governor’s Debate 2006,” said Stan Statham, President/CEO of the CBA. “This debate will be the single best opportunity voters will have to get up close and personal with the candidates.”
“Surveys show that voters prefer innovative debate formats where the average citizen can play a role,” Statham said. The CBA will involve California voters by asking them to submit questions online or by mailing postcards to the address below. Voters are encouraged to suggest questions that will start a conversation about the issues that matter to them.
Based upon the positive voter and media feedback from the successful CBA 2003 Recall Debate and recommendations by our Advisory Committee, the debate format will be: an hour in length; candidates will be seated at a table at the moderator’s left and right; no opening or closing statements; voters will be asked for suggested questions; questions will be asked by the moderator; those questions will initiate a conversation between the candidates; the discussion on each question will last as long as it is productive; we will alternate between each candidate to start the question discussion; in lieu of closing statements, each candidate asks one question of the other for discussion.
Voters should submit questions to:
Mailing Address: California Decides; 915 L Street, Suite C179; Sacramento, CA 95814
Since only voters are being asked to submit questions, this guy is out of luck!
September 14th, 2006 at 12:00 am
“As is standard in CBA debates, simultaneous Spanish translation and closed captioning will be provided.”
Even illegal aliens need to know who to vote for…
The most intriguing aspect of this debate will probably be the last question that each candidate gets to ask each other. That might be worth watching.