SHAME ON PHIL ANGELIDES! defines ethics as:

B) A theory or a system of moral values.
2. ethics (used with a sing. verb) The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy.
3. ethics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession: medical ethics.
After today’s news, it is apparent that Phil Angelides does not have any… Read on…
If the police are investigating a break-in into someone’s office or home, they will look for physical evidence such as a fingerprint, or perhaps a footprint or even a piece of hair that would have a DNA identifier.
With the recent controversy surrounding the Los Angeles Times release of transcripts of private conversations that took place in the Governor’s office, the theft apparently took place electronically. This being the modern era, audio-cassettes have been replaced with audio-files, which were stored on a server in the Governor office.
Now one thing about the internet is that when you move around, you actually can leave electronic evidence behind! It is very technical, but you can sometimes leave a code behind that is unique to the access-point from which you are going onto the World Wide Web. In the case of the now-infamous ’embarrassing audio tape’ where Arnold is Arnold, and says some colorful comments that were released, out of context, by Times Reporter Bob Salladay, it appears that just such an electronic ‘fingerprint’ was left behind by the culprit!
**There is more – click the link**
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Hmm .. Team Angelides might want to consult:
The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act — 18 USC 1030(g)
19 USC 1030 (a)(2) — Unlawful Access To Obtain Information
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Wasn’t Ken Lay convicted for what his employees/assistants/etc. did? Oh, and Nixon left office for the other “tape gate” because of what his plumbers did. Same should hold true of Phil—only his socialist philosophy in all things is that no individual is responsible for anything that individual does or has. The lack of personal responsibility is perhaps the most frightening aspect of tis whole thing.
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
OK, Phil is going to take a beating today for his campaign’s downloading the audio recordings…
But, would any of this have been necessary had the Governor hired a competent 12-year old to keep passwords on his files?
Nobody is saying Phil’s guys “hacked” a password, or found an end run around the state’s security system. They’re saying the Governor’s office left this information where anybody could find it, and as the most interested people in what the Governor has to say, Phil’s campaign found it.
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
I read the news stories on this and came away suspecting the same as Mr. Powers.
I wouldn’t credit the Angelides campaign with any technological skill. I would credit them with dumb luck! Perseverance on their part (i.e. constantly and thoroughly auditing the Governor’s public website) yielded a campaign gem.
That said, this is the most news coverage the Angelides campaign has gotten in weeks, which isn’t saying much. This was, for the most part, a nonstory from the beginning. Every day the Schwarzenegger camp brings this up is another day of Angelides on the front page. Phil can’t get there by himself.
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Several people have emailed or called me, telling me that my commentary makes it sound like the Angelides campaign has admitted to breaking the law.
The point that I am making is that their campaign clearly knew they were poking around into a server of a State Computer where they should not have been.
If you need evidence of this, note that instead of simply holding a press conference to reveal these recordings that they ‘discovered’ – they secretly ‘leaked’ it to a newspaper, admitting to involvement ONLY when their actions where traced to their campaign computer network.
Someone else can figure out if anything illegal happenned here, but I condemn the actions as unethical.
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Spin away. It amazes me to see the spin being put on this issue from both sides. the governor should know better and angelides proves there are no ethics in his office. At least the Gov apologized. How about it Phil? Own up!
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Will someone please let Phil Angelides’ campaign know that I’ve taped a message about him on my computer. If he hacks in, he’ll find out that it says — L-O-S-E-R!
I’m willing to bet he has a tax raising strategy to combat this campaign foible.
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Spin away. It amazes me to see the spin being put on this issue from both sides.
It is funny because this story is being turned into a process story by folks on YOUR SIDE, Jon.
It does distract from the issue of the Governor stereotyping folks of Latino descent (yes, yes… I know the subject of the stereotype doesn’t care… that is irrelevant)
anyway, back on point.
A non-indexed directory is a non-starter, the only reason the “hacking” angle is gaining traction is because most people in the press don’t understand computers and folks like you keep pushing it.
undirectory protected information isn’t hacking, it’s just there.
The IT director should be fired with the quickness, I know I sure wouldn’t allow that kind of laziness on my team.
Not that I expect to convince anybody here, but it happens to be the truth.
This “story” (such as it is) is dead, there is no more hacking here then there was with Joe Lieberman’s campaign site.
(In case anybody forgot, he was on a piss poor plan that couldn’t handle the traffic and apparantly forgot to pay the bill?!?)
September 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Mr. Newton, imagine you go to a sports club, and after your game you leave your gym bag on the bench whilst you shower. Just because it’s out in ‘the open’ doesn’t mean I’m allowed to take it…oh, and Liberman WAS hacked, that much is clear; the opposition acknowledged (albeit blaming it on underlings) and apologized.