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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Criminal Probe of Tape Leak! New FR Blogger Announced. 9-11.

Except for this brief mention, you probably couldn’t tell from reading today’s FlashReport that today is the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America five years ago.  As I often say, you probably couldn’t tell we were engaged in a war in the Middle East if you just read the FR.  We maintain a very sharp focus here on California politics, and so you really need to look elsewhere for news about – anything else.  I bring up 9-11 for two reasons…  The first is by way of explanation for the sparseness of MSM stories on the main page.  Every newspaper has devoted the bulk of their prime coverage to the somber anniversary, and this has caused there to be less coverage on politics.  I would also like to take an opportunity to ask all FR readers to pause and join me in a silent moment of prayer for the victims of 9-11, the families and friends of those who were killed, and for the soldiers who have fought, and for those who have died, defending the liberty and freedom we enjoy here in America.

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One Response to “Today’s Commentary: Criminal Probe of Tape Leak! New FR Blogger Announced. 9-11.”

  1. Says:

    Mr. Fleischman:

    Congratulations on landing a “Blue Chip” recruit in Brandon Powers !

    I look forward to his posts. I’m sure they will provide useful and
    entertaining news from this talented and principled gentleman.
    He makes the Cal-YAF alumni proud.