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Mike Spence

SB 927: Long Beach Chamber vs. Lowenthal

September 11 is here. The MSM continue to ask if we are safer than fiver years earlier. The answer is of course yes. Until then many didn’t know we faced an enemy. Today most Americans do, while some still hide.

One issue facing us is port security. There is no doubt port security needs to be addressed. Long Beach Democratic State Senator Alan Lowenthal managed to get SB 927 passed. This bill puts a a tax (fee) on users of the port to pay for port security.

The blog LBReport reports that the Long Beach Chamber opposes the bill because of the $500 million in extra taxes passed on to consumers. LB Report discusses the hisory of the idea and the federal role in it. Good info.

The Chamber of course really isn’t in a place to lecture about the costs. My solution would be simple. Lets use the interest payments that will be used for the massive bond debt the chamber wants us to approve. How about that instead.