Except for this brief mention, you probably couldn’t tell from reading today’s FlashReport that today is the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on America five years ago. As I often say, you probably couldn’t tell we were engaged in a war in the Middle East if you just read the FR. We maintain a very sharp focus here on California politics, and so you really need to look elsewhere for news about – anything else. I bring up 9-11 for two reasons… The first is by way of explanation for the sparseness of MSM stories on the main page. Every newspaper has devoted the bulk of their prime coverage to the somber anniversary, and this has caused there to be less coverage on politics. I would also like to take an opportunity to ask all FR readers to pause and join me in a silent moment of prayer for the victims of 9-11, the families and friends of those who were killed, and for the soldiers who have fought, and for those who have died, defending the liberty and freedom we enjoy here in America.
Clearly the most alarming story in today’s political news comes from the San Francisco Chronicle, where Carla Marinucci and Tom Chorneau have reported that the California Highway Patrol, the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the State Capitol, has launched a criminal investigation into how private, audio taped conversations that took place in the Governor’s office ended up in a cover-story in the Los Angeles Times. According to the story, there were four different days where the computer systems were ‘hacked’ from the outside and information taken.
There are a lot of questions that come to mind here… Who would do this? Did they have inside help? Does this kind of illegal entry by computer leave ‘cyber finger prints’ that will allow investigators to identify a suspect? If the system was hacked that many times, does that mean that there are more recordings yet to be released by the Los Angeles Times?
Speaking of the Los Angeles Times, now there will be considerable attention paid to the relationship of reporter Bob Salladay to his unnamed-source. It would now appear that this ‘source’ is at the center of a criminal investigation, and you can be sure that Salladay will be quickly asked (in fact, has probably already been asked) to name his source. If I had to guess, the Times will not only refuse to reveal who provided the tapes to Salladay, but will continue to release even more recordings from the stolen files. If it were any other publication, you would presume that if they had other tapes, they would all be released at once. But it is the past-practice of de facto electioneering by the Los Angeles Times that makes one assume that if they have multiple embarrassing recordings, that they will dribble them out over the weeks leading up to the election.
Make sure you read the story — and keep an eye on whether the L.A. Times aides in catching the criminals who broke into the Governor’s computers (this is just as bad as if someone broke into YOUR home or office, and took private materials). I’ll wager that they clam up, to protect their mysterious, and apparently criminal, anti-Schwarzenegger ally.
P.S. I am referenced in the story, and I spoke with Chorneau yesterday, but didn’t tell me when he called that there was a criminal investigation taking place. Then again, it’s their breaking story, and in some respects, in that regard – we’re competition ;)
NEW FR LOS ANGELES COUNTY CORRESPONDENT AND GUEST EDITORWelcome Brandon Powers as the FlashReport’s newest correspondent! Brandon will be working with Mike Spence in providing more coverage of politics in the greater Los Angeles Area, and Brandon will also be coming onboard as a Guest Editor for the site, providing some much-needed assistance to me and to our Managing Editor, Nicholas Romero. Brandon may ‘introduce’ himself on the blog page, or just dive in. If you want to know more about him, you can click through to his bio next to his photo on the blog page! Welcome Brandon!!
Coming next: Our new Riverside County Correspondent…
Have a great day!
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