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Phil and Arnold to play footsie under the table.

California voters are better off when there is a vigorous debate among the leaders who serve us.  The race for governor is no exception.  The California Broadcasters Association has offered to host the one and only televised (played on the radio too) debate between the Governor and Phil Angelides.  It is scheduled for October 7th.

Unfortunately, Angelides doesn’t seem to like the style of the debate the broadcasters have chosen.  The Broadcasters who who probably give up a lot of advertising revenue to show and play the hour-long event say having the two candidates sitting at a table with the moderator is the most conducive. 

But Team Angelides is holding out for some other format like a formal podium style or stool in the middle/walk around style debate.

It sounds a little petty to me.  And besides the podiums are too old school and the stool version was never good.  I want my politician thinking of the answer to the question or responding to the other guy, not worrying about if the camera caught him looking at the hot chick in the audience.

Mr. Treasurer, please just agree to sit at the table.

Message to both campaigns: If negotiations break-down, I have another suggestion, how about both candidates sit on the floor and wear the t-shirt of their favorite band?