All of liberalism is one gigantic irony. Irony number 4,382: the big leftist organization is domiciled at Why this is hysterical is that the Democrats can’t Move On from anything. The latest evidence of this is the new ad by the California Democrat Party with clips of Arnold’s speech in New York in support of the re-election of George W. Bush. Of course, Arnold was polling at 70% at the time, and things change. But if all the Democrats have is some tie to Bush by Arnold, and this is the "big" reason to elect Angelides, it is truly pathetic. Democrats: Bush beat your asses twice, and he isn’t on the ballot in November. I can understand why you want to hide your candidate, but this is ridiculous and it isn’t going to work. If you can’t think of any other issues to run on just read conservative blogs and you will find plenty of good advice there.