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Jon Fleischman

The Debate Debate

I am sitting here with Mike Der Manouel, Jr, our Central Valley Correspondent.  We just had come over the FlashReport transom an announcement from Californians for Schwarzenegger, announcing that Governor Schwarzenegger and ersatz Governor Angelides will be holding a debate on Saturday, October 7. (Mike points out the cleverness of a Saturday debate as no one will be watching…)

Of course, looking at things through the political prism, conventional wisdom is that the front runner wants to have as few debates as possible and the underdog would like to have as many debates as possible.  Each debate presenting yet another potential opportunity for the front-runner to stumble.

So, as Mike and I have been discussing this, we both agree on a two points.  The first is that the race for Governor is going to tighten up much more than it is now — as partisan voters settle into their comfort zone as election day approaches.  We also agree that debates between Schwarzenegger and Angelides will be one sided, with Angelides being so absent of any charisma, and Arnold… well, he’s pure entertainment, right?

So we are here debating whether to prioritize the political interests of Arnold Schwarzenegger versus our own personal entertainment value.

No one is really asking us, but we say — the more the merrier!

Jon and Mike