I don’t know the guy at all, but I REALLY appreciate him helping our down-ticket GOP candidates (see Jon’s posting). Am I the only one wondering why Rudy Giuliani can make it California to help out Tom McClintock, Chuck Poochigian and Tony Strickland when Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn’t find the time to appear with these guys at the state’s GOP convention last month? Maybe I’m judging the governor too harshly and after bill signing is over, he’ll come out to help our down-ticket candidates in a big way. (I’d love to see Schwarzenegger shine a little of his movie-star light on badly Jerry Brown has failed to deal with Oakland‘s crime problem and why he shouldn’t be promoted to be the state’s top cop.) Since he’s relatively new to state politics, maybe the governor can’t see the benefit of having fellow Republicans in other statewide offices. Or, given his recent uber-turn to the left, maybe he’ll be just fine to be surrounded by Democrats…in the Horseshoe, the Legislature and in the other statewide offices. I’m crossing my fingers that the governor will follow in Giuliani’s footsteps after bill signing is over and come out to help our down-ticket candidates raise money and their name ID with voters up and down the state.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, September 6th, 2006 at 12:00 am and is filed under Blog Posts.
September 7th, 2006 at 12:00 am
In that all-time classic comedy Caddyshack, Judge Smails tells his grandson Spaudling, “You will get nothing and like it.”