We’re in the homestretch of making top quality legislation for this 2 year session. Much scurrying about with last minute gut-and-amends, rule waivers being sought, bills with no committee hearings…a very perilous time for any topic you may be interested in that is still in play legislatively. It seems that no bill is dead, even when pronounced so by Big 4 folks because it changes the next day and is back on the table. With all the negotiations going on in the back rooms on various topics, we need everyone to stay on top of this legislature to not give away the store on some really bad ideas at the minute before midnight, and then run for cover in our respective districts until January. Indeed, as bad as the wheeling and dealing appears on some very critical issues, when the Legislature adjourns this Thursday 12AM, sine die, or "without day", the constitutional term for "GO HOME", it will be a good thing for freedom loving Californians.