On this quiet Saturday morning in the middle of the summer, one is left to try and contemplate the general election strategy of Phil Angelides as the weeks go by, and the general election comes closer. Right now, Arnold Schwarzenegger is clearly the front-runner in this race. Over the past few months (coincidentally right around the time that Team Schmidt came onboard) the Schwarzenegger campaign has been able to successfully define Angelides weak campaign for him — Angelides is the guy who wants to raise every form of taxes known to mankind. Of course, while this is true, Angelides has been unable to shift the debate to another subject. He keeps trying, but every time he does, the attempt lasts about a week, then peters out. Then Phil seems to get with his gurus and with the new week comes a new theme.
One thing is certain, though, from readily available polling data… And that is that the most liberal voters are the only ones that Angelides has solidly in his corner, while Schwarzenegger has the right (bolstered by his no new taxes or fees pledge – as well as fear of Angelides) but also Arnold, right now, is the King of the middle — those self-described moderate/middle-of-the-road voters that make up a must-have ‘swing’ part of the vote.
So you have to wonder exactly what is going through the heads of the Angelides brain-trust when the schedule a public event for Angelides in San Francisco with special guest — Howard Dean! Yes, this is the same New England liberal who ran against John Kerry for the Democratic bid for President — from the left. That’s right, as liberal as John Kerry was, this guy was even further towards the Karl Marks end of the political spectrum. It is a statement of the liberal choke hold on the Democrat National Party that they installed Dean as Chairman.
If you are reading this column today, clearly you follow politics – especially California politics – pretty closely. Maybe you can tell me what the Angelides strategy might be. I could understand Westly tacking left a bit to solidify his left flank after a primary. Just like I can and expect Arnold Schwarzenegger, a moderate, to have consistent overtures to the right to shore up his base. But Angelides is FROM the LEFT WING of his party — and if he needs to shore up his base, that means that he is failing to inspire even his ‘if it moves, tax it’ core constituency. Pretty sad for Angelides.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has every reason to enjoy this beautiful, sunny California weekend anyways. But if he needed icing on the cake, he can look at the San Francisco Chronicle.