The top story today on our "All California Politics All of the Time" is a bit of a stretch, because it is about a liberal Member of Congress from Michigan last night who lost his primary — but this was most notable because this liberal was a REPUBLICAN – Joe Schwarz. You can read the piece for more information, but let me just say that on a weekly basis, I participate with a large group of conservative activist bloggers from around the nation on a conference call (sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and Human Events Magazine) where we attempt to coordinate our activities when possible. Sinking Schwarz and electing conservative Tom Walberg in this overwhelmingly GOP House seat was set out as one of the first coordinated projects of our group. Of course it is relevant to all of us in California because it is liberal GOPers like Schwarz, who oppose the basic economic platforms of the party (among other things) that endanger our Republican majority. Schwarz opposes making the President’s tax cuts permanent. Anyways, FR readers stepped up to contribute thousands of dollars towards this coordinated effort and we made a difference! Thanks to all of you who contributed.
I know it is a mad, chaotic frenzy of activity up there in the State Capitol right now. This is my appeal to legislators, staffers, lobbyists and others who are closely following this process — we would love to shine a spotlight on bad legislation that looks like it might pass. I presume there is a ton of good legislation that won’t see the light of day, too. Anyways, 500 miles away from the ‘action’ – you are all my eyes and ears. Talk to me! You can email me or send a note to me anonymously in the top-right corner of the FR above.
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