Do you think that a foreign national who is in this country illegally (that is to say that they have violated our laws by sneaking into America instead of going through the normal immigration process) should be issued a California Driver’s License? Well, if that is the way you think, than this cracker is YOU. At least according to State Senate President Don Perata. Click through to Shane Goldmacher’s California Observer website for more…

August 3rd, 2006 at 12:00 am
I believe the correct slur for us whiteys is cracka…LOL.
August 4th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Given that the welfare state serves as the modern plantation, socialists and crackers are essentially synonomous.
August 4th, 2006 at 12:00 am
So now I get to be prejudiced AND a cracker for opposing the illegal alien invasion.
August 4th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Found this post on Chris Reed’s blog. Unfortunately I can’t link directly to the post, just the blog but here’s a link and the quoted blog post:
>>Oakland? Oakland calls out San Diego?
A reader from El Cajon responds to Cracker-gate:
What a hoot. Don Perata, Democratic State Senator from Oakland…..did I say Oakland, the California city that must rank first on California’s misery index, calls San Diegan’s “crackers”. We earned this distinction because of our outspoken opposition to illegal immigration and had the audacity to let the governor know it. As a resident of Oakland it is understandable that Perata may have a problem distinguishing between legal and illegal which accounts for his support of a bill giving drivers licenses to illegal’s, but calling us “crackers”…get real. If Oakland’s football fans are any example, Oakland and Perata would need to climb several rungs up the social ladder to qualify for “cracker” status.
I do not endorse this views, Oakland fans. I pass them along.<< Being of Italian descent I'd hardly call myself a cracker. Bruschetta's more my style....but I doubt he'd take on us Neapolitans, heck just lump us all together for one big racial slur. Sorry Don if my family assimilated and became "Americans".