Rick Caruso, a friend and supporter of Gov. Schwarzenegger and a former member of the LA Police Commission, has abandoned plans to build a Grove-like mall on the same property as the Golden Gate Fields racetrack. Caruso, president and CEO of Caruso Affiliated, has spent more than a year working with community groups to help mold the plans for his project to fit the needs of the community, as he has done with other projects in
But, the reality is that no amount of negotiating and accomodating will satisfy the Bay Area community groups who just don’t want any new development that might bring in chain stores like the GAP (yes, even SF-based chain businesses are B-A-D) or Barnes and Noble. Caruso promised the groups that the development would be water-friendly and picturesque. But the community activists only want a dog park, bike trails and a small business park for the businesses they deem acceptable to the area. They told the Oak Trib that “…we’ve tried to do a whole ring around the Bay of open space to the waterfront.” Hummm….SF’s fabulously popular
Caruso intended to create a project that restored the waterfront and added a farmer’s market, housing, retail shops, a new park, a restored pier and access to the beach. It would have revived Golden Gate Fields (the
Frankly, the Grove is an incredibly nice development that my family enjoys stopping by when we’re in the LA area. I was looking forward to a family friendly, waterfront place that my kids would enjoy visiting while I’m able to get errands done for the family. The open space these community activists love to advocate isn’t a nearly family friendly as they think. Each year, my husband and kids clean up the