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Jon Fleischman

Mulholland Benched – Angelides’ Keystone Cops

It appears Angelides had enough out of Mulholland after last week’s comments comparing the Governor to Kim Jong-Il.  So, now Mulholland’s been benched for long-time Democratic Party operatives Roger Salazar and Steve Maviglio.

Roger Salazar has already been popping up with quotes and press releases attacking the Governor.  Steve Maviglio, who now works for Speaker Fabian Nunez, has been brought on temporarily to help Brian Brokaw set up a "rapid response" system for Angelides’ communications shop.  I can think of no worse job than defending $10 billion in tax increases…rapidly.   

It’s only July but Angelides is already reaching deep into the veteran bag of Democratic Party operatives to help his struggling campaign staff. 

Salazar is fresh off of the Rocky "did anyone see who was driving the freight train who ran us over" Delgadillo campaign and Maviglio "spun" the media while his former boss, Gray Davis, was recalled by California voters.  Great credentials.

The Angelides Campaign is starting to look like an episode of the Keystone Cops!

2 Responses to “Mulholland Benched – Angelides’ Keystone Cops”

  1. Says:

    Actually, Maviglio and Salazar are both very good at what they do and both are committed to defeating Schwarzenegger. This campaign might actually get interesting (strike that…This campaign might actually get ENTERTAINING) with their involvement.

  2. Says:

    I agree with your assessment of their ability, which doesn’t hamper my enthisiasm to drag down Phil Angelides and each and every opportunity! LOL. Jon