“You do not live in Utah…Deal with it.”
Bill Bradley, the LA Weekly columnist and former political colleague of Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda and Bob Mulholland, offered some friendly advice to FlashReport readers in a comment he posted on FR that you may have missed:
“OK, as a longtime Democratic advisor at every level turned analyst and columnist, here is my take on your situation.
“You do not live in Utah, you live in California.
“Your governor actually has his program together now and knows what he is doing.
“Deal with it.” – Bill Bradley
Bradley has been around California politics a long time (not a reference to his age, just a tip of the hat in respect to his experience in the biz) and is one of the state’s more interesting political writers, due in large part to the personal friendships and contacts he’s cultivated over the years with union leaders, campaign consultants (of both parties) and pseudo-politicos like Warren Beatty and Rob Reiner who always surface just in time to make politics… Read More