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Mike Spence

Mountjoy and the Governor’s Endorsement

With speculation swirling around a possible Arnold endorsement of Democrat Dianne Feinstein, Retired State Senator has decided to let the Governor know he is willing and ready to "….fight the liberal policies of Dianne Feinstein, Phil Angelides and others of the far left. "

The Governor should be embracing every nominee of the party. After all aren’t a "Big Tent"?

Read the Mountjoy letter below.

5 Responses to “Mountjoy and the Governor’s Endorsement”

  1. Says:

    Is Dick Mountjoy serious about the campaign? Or, are we witnessing another Bill Jones vs. Barbara Boxer race?

    Can Mountjoy raise the mega-millions it will take to defeat DiFi? Can he tone down some of the ‘over-the-top’ rhetoric?

    Isn’t this a GOP candidate for delegates, versus a real contender to knock off one of the ‘powers’ of the state’s Democrat machine?

    Why hitch your wagon to a 35+% loss, when you can simply be silent and escape the comparison?

    BTW…the Gov told me Friday (the audio is at the site in the Hogue Blog) that he is/has endorsed the GOP ballot – and he used the word endorsed.

    Is there a snowball’s chance that anyone can beat DiFi and her cash machine in liberal California?

    Thanks, Hogue

  2. Says:

    That would be Simpson-Mazzoli, the Senator was referring to, right? Apparently too late to edit before sending?

    Good luck to the Senator, though, he was always one of my favorites.

  3. Says:

    OK – SO if we ought to hang it up now and write off Mountjoy’s chances, why the heck didn’t the GOP bigwigs and Schwarzenegger’s people get together and find someone they DO like to run against Feinstein?

    I’m sure they’d have given us another winner like Tom Campbell, but jeez to be complaining about who our nominee is after he ran UNOPPOSED? Come off it.

  4. Says:

    Did anyone notice that in his two page letter, Senator Mountjoy (Ret.) never once asks for help, support or even requests that the Governor vote for him?

  5. Says:

    I’m not complaining, the voters are. Why raise/spend the $$$ here, rather move it to the McClintock camp that is resting at $500,000+ unopposed in a primary. (This is not to say that Dick is a bad guy, he’s not – just way over his head on this one.)