The on and off and on again recall of two of three remaining pro Wal-Mart councilmembers hasbeen set for September 19. See here. The only question remains is will the anti Wal-Mart union forces win and get to spend the tax revenue from the soon to be opened Wal-Mart? See backrgound post with links here.

June 12th, 2006 at 12:00 am
The only question is why folks who claim to be the party of common sense don’t think they can trust the voters of Rosemead to make up their own mind about what direction they want their city to take.
Wal-Mart’s already spent some $75,000 in direct political spending in Rosemead (and an unknown amount on “advertising,” public relations, and so forth. And that’s in a city with just 17,500 registered voters!). It’s not as if their message is going to somehow be overwhelmed by their opponents.
Don’t they think they can win a campaign of ideas?