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One of my pet peeves with this business is that everybody’s an expert.  The truth of the matter is that that having a bunch of money will always make you brilliant politically….1000 points of TV beats cable and 12 pieces of mail beats 5 any day…. but that alone doesn’t qualify anyone as an expert.  I’ve railed on the so-called-revolutionaires who lost their way, but one guy never lost his way and truly deserves to be called an expert….Newt Gingrich.  

Although he’s been on the sidelines for some time, his vision and admonishments qualify him as a political bodhisattva…and each of us should at least take the time to absorb his latest thoughts.

I was forwarded a memo Newt wrote by my good friend Steve Kinney and while much of what Gingrich wrote it is rhetorical, he sums up three points conservatives should think about as we move toward November.  Here is an exerpt…I’ve attached the entire document for your bed time reading (hopefully with some Steely Dan piped into those snazzy wireless headphones)

Subject: The meaning of the San Diego special election for 2006

From: Newt Gingrich

June 7, 2006

There are three big lessons from this election for Republicans for this November.

1.      independence and willingness to stand up for the folks back home overcame this week’s Field Poll which shows Bush at 28% approval. In the end 2006 is not a presidential election and it will not be a referendum on the President if Republicans go home and do their job of representing the values and concerns of their people who elect them.

2.      fighting to control the border and defend the American people on illegal immigration-the house position-really works and amnesty(the senate bill) was really repudiated by Republican voters.

3.      however dissatisfied Republican voters are with Washington when they realize the Democrat is a Nancy Pelosi-Howard Dean liberal they turn against them. Remember, the Democrat had 44% in the first round and Bilbray had 15. and she could not get to 50 because she is simply too liberal. This can be the story again and again this fall. Republicans are not perfect but liberal Democrats are unacceptable as an alternative.

Good stuff.  Thank you Mr. Speaker.