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Mike Spence

Gary Miller on ANWR and Amnesty

Congressman Gary Miller was the speaket today at the San Bernardino Lincoln Club Meeting in Ontario. Gary hails from the Diamond Bar part of Los Angeles and has racked up Most Consevative Voting record from any California Congressman, several years in a row.

Congressman Miller talked about several subjects of interest. Most telling is his view that the Senate bill giving amnesty to illegals is dead in the House. I hope that is true, but a vote killing it would be nice too.

His comments on ANWR were very eye opening. He pointed out that the National Park Service is studying 700,000 acres in the San Gabriel Valley. See article here. And of course land use will beome an issue. The enviros are also trying to put together a wildlife corrider through Whittier , Yorba Linda etc… 

Miller find that interesting because there are more oil wells on the surface originally drille in the 1900’s than there will be in the ANWR proposal. Some pristine environment!

Thanks to Marshall Riley, the chief of the SB County Lincoln Club for the invite.