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Jon Fleischman

Classic Chuck DeVore

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine) is gifted with, shall we say, an interesting sense of humor.  He also is rather prolific in writing about his unique experiences as a freshman member of the State Assembly on his website.

His latest posting was priceless, and simply must reprint an excerpt from it here, was part of a large post entitled, "Toilets and Taxes"…

…AB 2496 by John Laird (D-Santa Cruz), mandates ultra-low flow toilets and urinals that use even less water then the now infamous low-flow toilets in use today (is it illegal to flush twice?).  Don’t look now, but, liberal fears aside, Big Government has walked right past our bedrooms and has planted itself firmly in our bathrooms.

As I listened patiently to Mr. Laird explain the need to conserve more water and how studies support his assertion that water could be saved by further restricting flush size, I got the urge to go… speak against wimpy toilets everywhere while supporting the right of every American to only flush once in porcelain solitude.

Todd Spitzer (R-Orange), struck first.  Mr. Spitzer, a well-known doityourselfer, recounted how he often has to flush his low-flow toilets more than once. 

I was inspired. 

I flipped my mike up and proceeded to damn this latest intrusion of Big Government into our lives.  I questioned the good of low-flow toilets, drawing from personal experience that ran counter the claims of academic studies.  I mentioned that in my own house, the 1979-era toilets needed replacing because the porcelain finish had worn to the point where it was difficult to keep them clean.  I replaced them all myself with the mandatory low-flow kind.  Soon tragedy was manifest in the DeVore household, with numerous unmentionable incidents that now require a plunger at the ready in its canister aside every government-mandated defective toilet. 

I closed by suggesting that there was now a healthy black market on Ebay for older toilets that could get their work done in one flush without government assistance. 

Bill Maze (R-Visalia) next helpfully added that Roto-Rooter has likely seen more business since the advent of low-flow toilets and will likely see more action for its snakes upon passage of Mr. Laird’s bill. 

Here, here, Mr. Maze.

Ahhh, that sweet smell in your nostrils… Is it government in action?  Or is it your government-issued potty? 

Naturally, the bill passed (unlike that toilet upstairs).

While Chuck’s tale is humorous, there is a rather ominous message here.  Which is that liberal Democrats in Sacramento will stop at nothing to flush your private property rights away!