While many of us wonder what happened to the GOP courage in the midst of the recent negotiations and votes on the bond bills (although Democrat Assemblymember Juan Arambula had the guts to stand up to his party and vote the way he thought his district wanted him to), I did witness a display of courage Friday night at Pacbell, I mean SBC, no it’s AT&T Park (I meant to post these sooner, but Mother’s Day festivities kept me from my computer). My husband—a Giants fan—hates to go with me to Dodger-Giant games because I wear all my Dodger paraphernalia and he’s sure that he’s going to get punched out. So I took my mom this weekend to celebrate our day and we were awed by this fellow Dodger fan who had the guts to wear an anti-Barry Bonds t-shirt in the midst of the upper-deck ticket holders (who seem drink a whole lot more than the folks sitting in the charter seats down below). Of course, Giants fans are waiting (and waiting and waiting) for Barry to hit his 714 home run to tie Babe Ruth’s steroid-free record and were less than amused by the t-shirt. While neither team is having a great year, at least the Dodgers won two of this three-game series.