In the upcoming special election in the 50th Congressional District, conservatives must come out to the polls and vote for Brian Bilbray.
Why is this, you ask? Bilbray has an iffy-record on holding the line on Congressional spending, he supports abortion rights, opposes traditional family values, earned himself a flunking grade from the National Rifle Association, and proudly is endorsed from a lot of the folks in Washington who are a part of our spending nightmare in Congress (Bilbray’s press release touting the endorsement of House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas, famously dubbed the ‘King of Pork’ was an ominous foreshadowing of where Bilbray will fall in the ‘order of things’ in the House Republican Conference).
The reason for electing Bilbray, which is our reason for defeating Francine Busby (a flaming lefty), is to maintain a Republican majority in the House of Representatives. I don’t have to paint to big of a picture for you — just imagine the leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco. Enough said.
As for Bilbray – as sad as this sounds, our hope for him rising up against the profligate spending in Congress really depends on whether his previous three terms in Congress, and how he voted while back there, were representative of his own deeply-held views (or lack of them), or whether (as countless people have tried to convince me) Bilbray really is quite a bit more conservative, but that the district he previously held was so competitive that he was ‘forced’ to cast bad votes. Well, as the Congressman from the 50th district, if Bilbray goes back to Washington and does more of the same, he will be decidedly out of step with Republicans in his "new" district – who are looking for a solid conservative voice in Washington, not a moderate. As I have said many times on this website, I have found that there is really no such thing as a social liberal who is an economic conservative.
**There is more – click the link**

May 15th, 2006 at 12:00 am
The most important reason for voting against Busby is the vote’s effect on our struggle against the jihadists who want to destroy our Nation. The democratic party is dominated by its rabid anti-war left, and if the democrats control Congress they will hand victory to the jihadists. That is why the jihadists have not attacked us at home since 9/11: if they did that, they would make it more difficult for the democrats to win elections. By killing a few Americans in Iraq day after day instead of killing thousands of us here, by destabilizing Iraq instead of causing us enormous damages in the U.S., they help the American Left to drum up its defeatist propaganda, sow doom and discoragement, induce people to get mad at George Bush, so that may win elections, and then make a gift of Iraq to the jihadists. Chew on this fact, and you will realize that a vote for any democrat – Busby included – is a vote for the jihadists’ victory and America’s defeat.
I wish that Brian could make this argument the basis of his election campaign. The best campaign slogan he couls use is “Nobody can beat America but America itself” and then add “a vote for Busby would help Leftist America beat Mainstream America, a vote for me would assure the victory of Mainstream America against the jihadists and any other conceivable enemy” The same approach should also be taken by all republican political campaigns in the forthcoming elections.