That’s right. I got the calls informing me that deep pocketed Bill Hauf will run for the 50th Congressional District in the primary against liberal lobbyist Brian Bilbray. Hauf came in 6th on the GOP side, so there is room for improvement. How does this shake things up?

May 8th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Is this the power house that got 1% in the first round. I think I would be more concerned if Howard K got back in.
May 8th, 2006 at 12:00 am
I’ve had an opportunity to get to know Bill a bit, and I find him to be a principled, honorable conservative. He would be an outstanding Congressman to represent this district for the long-term. Someone who would join the Republican Study Committee upon being elected, not the mushy-moderate Main Street Partnership, whose members are the single greatest reason why our majority is imperiled in Congress. (That would be our promises to be a party of limited government, and our record of presiding over unprecidented growth in government).
I hope Hauf gets into the race. It may be bad news for Bilbray’s long-term plans to spend a Congressional pension — but it would be a boon for his election in June, as conservatives would stream out for Hauf (presuming he is supported by the other conservative candidates) and thus do for Bilbray what he cannot do on his own – inspire conservative voters.
May 8th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Phil shows his pro Bilbray bias by trying to drop Bill below Chris Young. Phil knows it was 1.67%. 6th among GOPer’s
May 8th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Right Jon, the guy that got 1.67 percent of the vote after spending a cool million dollars in the first go-around is really going to get those conservatives you think are unhappy with Bilbray to “stream out” to the polls.
The only thing Hauf accomplishes by running is to guarantee his career in Republican politics is finished, not that it ever got started.
May 8th, 2006 at 12:00 am
So now my fellow conservative friends are going to rally around the guy that builds infrastructure in the people’s paradise of Cuba. Bill Hauf is not going to win anything, except help elect a Democrat to office. Like I said, I would be much more concerned if Howard was back in. Mr. 1.67% Hauf is not going to get the job done for you. He ran a second rate campaign the first round and has no base. It is a little hard to create a first rate campaign one with four weeks left. I don’t like everything Bilbray does either; in fact, I have a real disagreement in his views on the Second Amendment. However in the bigger picture he is great on the illegal immigration issue. Eric Roach did the right thing. He is a man of honor for stepping aside. I hope he throws his hat in the ring again someday when we have another open seat in the San Diego area.
May 9th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Why do we continue to perpetuate the notion that one must wait for an open seat. The safe seat/don’t challenge the incumbent mantra is the reason we are in the situation we are today. As long as the challenger is not using it as a springboard (aka Huffington), candidates should go after the incumbent if they are doing a crappy job…especially if they have the deep pockets because they will definitely need to self fund.
Honestly, other than the vote for speaker, what good is it to have half the guys in congress that we do now. Heck, Zell Miller (D-GA) and the Blue Dogs are more conservative that most of the squishes we have in DC.
If we don’t shake up our party establishment a little, we will see a complete reverse of 1994.
The only thing that is keeping us in the majority right now is a lack of agenda from the other side. If they stumble upon their own “Contract with American”, we are doomed…and I’m an optimist at my core!!!