In his Saturday commentary, Jon Fleischman shared the fact that he is struggling to be enthusiastic about Congress when as he writes, “our record is presiding over the growth of government.” I know the conservative base shares these same concerns. Well as the newest member of Congress and the newest fiscal conservative in Congress, I am not happy about the way Congress spends your money either. I won’t attempt to defend the recent growth in government, but I can tell you one thing: we absolutely cannot afford the alternative.
I am a member of the Budget Committee, and at this year’s committee mark up of the budget 18 out of 19 Democratic amendments offered would have increased spending. Did you see would-be Speaker Pelosi’s performance on Meet the Press yesterday morning? Did it sound like her party was going to be the one to slow down spending and keep taxes low? If you need a reason to get enthusiastic, just spend a little time thinking about what a Democratic Congress really would look like.
This week, there is a good chance the Budget Resolution will come to the House floor for consideration. This time around the budget negotiations have been a little different. The growing influence of the conservative
Republican Study Committee helped ensure this year’s budget growth will be below the growth rate of population plus inflation. We think the House is going to take up earmark reform soon and we are very optimistic about getting several other process reforms before the end of this Congress. For a change, those who want to spend more money, not the budget hawks, were the ones who had the most complaints.

This year’s budget is a good one, not a perfect one. Do I wish we were able to pass the RSC’s ideal budget proposal, which was virtually identical to the contract with America budget? Yes, but at least this year’s budget is moving us toward that goal and not away from it.
If fiscal conservatives want more restraint in Washington, it won’t happen without a Republican majority, but we will need to grow the conservative ranks within the caucus. Soon, I am going to introduce a budget process reform bill similar to the one I introduced in California. If you are looking for something to be enthusiastic about, help make sure I have enough Republican colleagues in Congress to pass it.
May 8th, 2006 at 12:00 am
I seem to remember Congressman that divided government circa 1994 to 2000 worked pretty damn good as far as reducing the deficit. In fact by the time Bubba left the WH, there was a surplus. As much as I loathed President Clinton, the divided gov. thing worked pretty well during that era for fiscal restraint. The Republicans have had all the power for the last five years in DC and the deficit, national debt and scope of government have skyrocketed. You can rationalize all you want about Democrats being worse and I would agree with you for the most part, but that frankly is not a very good electoral message IMO for the fall campaign. We better start dusting off The Contract With America playbook or America will be facing Democrats in power again.
P.S Please tell our neighbor Hugh Hewitt to stop advocating amnesty for illegal aliens. It’s really annoying.
May 9th, 2006 at 12:00 am
Stop making sense, Allan. Ever since Republicans have gained control of the House, Senate and Oval Office, we have the inherent RIGHT to grow drunk on power, ease into familiarity and use to power, and spend all that money. All the while insisting we’re conservatives, of course.
Meanwhile, there are only so few truly competitive House seats we can aim to win with a Republican, even then getting a conservative is not guaranteed. And pour an extra-tall glass of kool-aid, and don’t you dare think of tossing a no-good RINO for someone who actually gives pause to think about that Constitution they swear to protect and defend.
Oh, and congressman, ditto what Allan says about Hugh. Having “our” president as a shill for Mexico is quite enough.