I am very, very pleased to announce a great new addition to our FlashReport team — United States Congressman John Campbell! When I approached the Congressman with the idea of becoming our new Washington D.C. "Beltway" Correspondent, he was quite interested! He is going to be a great participant, bringing FR readers a steady stream of great information from our nation’s capitol.
There are several reasons why I reached out to Congressman Campbell, specifically, for this site (and no, one of them is not because he represents me):
- A rock-solid conservative who joined the Republican Study Committee as soon as he won election.
- A grounded person, strong in his faith, with a great family, and a perspective of someone who owned a business.
- An acumen for understanding that place on the road where policy and politics meet.
- A great writer — I’ve come to know him as someone quite gifted in the art of communicating via e-mail.
- Passionate – he really has strong, heartfelt beliefs and it shows!
Starting with his first post today, the Congressman will be a great addition to our site, as we try to be the #1 destination for those with a strong interest in California politics, from a more conservative point of view.
Please join me in welcoming Congressman John Campbell!
I would also like to take an opportunity to thank Jason Roe, who up until now had been serving as the FlashReport’s inaugural D.C "Beltway" Correspondent. Roe will continue to be a close ally of the FR in his capacity as Chief of Staff for conservative Florida Congressman Tom Feeney, but he has relinquished his place on the FR blog to John Campbell.
[You can read the press release we sent out on Congressman Campbell’s joining the FR which is attached at the end of this commentary]
From my recent talk with GOP legislative leaders, it is clear that negotations to place a massive bond package on the November ballot are getting to the critical stage. Right now it would appear that Democrats are still intent on loading up an ‘infrastructure’ package with a bunch of programs that don’t fit anyone’s reasonable definition of what infrastructure is supposed to be about — basic needs such as roads, water storage, schools. If you listen carefully, you can actually hear Perata and Nunez ring the cow bells as their left-wing colleagues insist on creating a ‘feeding frenzy’ (liek when you put fish-food in a fish tank) for all liberal pork to be included in the package. The FlashReport lends our moral support to Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, Assembly Republican Leader George Plescia, and to Governor Schwarzenegger as they deal with these attempts by Democrats to sink a meaningful infrastructure plan with social engineering programs. We also stand ready to oppose any plan that comes out that doesn’t make fiscal sense.
HOUSE TAKES UP ETHICS REFORMSToday, the House of Representatives will be taking up a lobbying reform/ethics reform package. Since I had been reading quite a bit about the leadership role that California Congressman David Dreier, Chairman of the House Rules Committee, has been taking on sheparding this package through the House. So I reached out the the Congressman who has penned a column for today’s FR, to coincide with the matter coming to the House floor for a vote.
In my personal opinion, the most significant component of this package is the beginnings of some changes on the ‘earmarking’ that takes place in Congress.
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