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Jennifer Nelson

LittleBluePill.Com–The Dem’s Answer to

How funny that the Dems were contemplating calling their version of the “Flashreport” “The Little Blue Pill.  I’m not a huge Matrix fan (I’m a chick—I like romantic comedies), but my husband is, so I know that the blue pill is the pill that lets you live in a dream world and ignore reality.  How fitting—that’s why Democrats believe that higher taxes are good for the economy; that handing out condoms to kids helps reduce teenage pregnancies; that the CTA really cares about education and not just about higher pay and more benefits for their members; that you can support the troops but not the troops’ mission….the list goes on. 

But if Maviglio, Salazar and Kinney don’t like “The Little Blue Pill” name, here are a few other suggestions for them: (since everything the Democrats do give the rest of us heartburn).  Or (in honor of Bill Clinton).  How about  Or

C’mon, everyone, let’s help the Democrats name their new website.  Chime in with your ideas for the name of their new site.

2 Responses to “LittleBluePill.Com–The Dem’s Answer to”

  1. Says:

    Instead of a reference to the Matrix, a reference to the 60s would be more appropriate…

    Or, if it must be the Clinton sex thing, instead of simply, perhaps Fleshreport.orgy…on second thought, maybe too reflective of Duke Cunningham.

  2. Says:

    As a lone Democrat here, I feel compelled to chime in on this topic…

    If this Democratic Website and its proposed name are even real (not much credibility with Republican “truthiness” these days), I will agree that “” is dumb. However, Jennifer Nelson’s suggestion of “” would actually be more fitting for a Website name for our current groping governor!

    Maybe the Democratic Website name should be “”?

    As far as Jennifer Nelson’s other comments, I won’t respond to everything. I really don’t have time to explain the birds and the bees to her, or the teenage sex drive and how unplanned teenage pregnancies should really try to be avoided. :)

    But I will respond to the issue of supporting our troops and her straw man argument. Yes, we can and do support our troops without supporting their Commander-in-Chief’s mission (that was based on lies, by the way)–it is not “the troops’ mission”. This is not Vietnam (well…)–we ALL support our troops and want them to come home alive and well, whatever our political views are!