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Jon Fleischman

Some answers to my questions…

Morgan Crinklaw, the Press Secretary for the Assembly Republican Caucus, privides these answers to my questions:

Assistant Republican Leaders are an important part of the Republican Leader’s team.  They assist the Leader in articulating the caucus message, promoting policy and maintaining unity among members.  Assistant Republican Leaders work with the Leader to focus and frame the debate. 

Republican whips are also an important part of the Assembly Republican Leader’s leadership team, providing guidance on public policy issues before the Legislature.  Whips also assist the Republican leader in devising legislative floor strategy, and advancing caucus positions and goals to the Assembly’s 32 members.  Their primary role on the floor of the Assembly is to convey messages from the leader to the other members and keep everyone on the same page.

The leadership team meets regularly as a group to devise caucus strategy and advance the Republican agenda.