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Jon Fleischman

Baldwin: Bilbray endorsed my Democrat opponent!

The California Republican Assembly PAC has dropped another piece attacking Brian Bilbray in the 50th Congressional District Special Election.  This one is a personal message from former conservative Assemblyman Steve Baldwin, who passionately warns voters that Bilbray backed Baldwin’s Democrat opponent over him when he first ran for the Assembly.

This piece again demonstrates that conservatives are rallying to bring down Bilbray, the percieved frontrunner.  After all, the CRA has endorsed Senator Bill Morrow for the seat, and Baldwin is an ardent backer of former Assemblyman Howard Kaloogian…

The .pdf of the piece is attached below.

7 Responses to “Baldwin: Bilbray endorsed my Democrat opponent!”

  1. Says:

    Why am I not surprised that Bilbray is endorsing Democrats. Maybe he can just withdrawl and endorse Busby while he’s at it.

  2. Says:

    CRA may as well be the one endorsing Busby! They are going to supress turnout amongst R’s with their negative campaign tactics, perhaps giving Busby the outright win on the 11th! She is the only one they are truly helping!

  3. Says:

    Nate, that’s a little alarmist.

    One comment … let there be no doubt: the letter from Steve was definitely not ghostwritten – that was vintage Steve, venting spleen. Ouch! I thought CRA’s first hit was a mean one.

  4. Says:

    Maybe it is…but if she wins outright on the 11th, will CRA shoulder their share of the responsiblity?

  5. Says:

    You have a valid point, to a point. However, with all due respect, I think Duke and DeLay have already done at least a couple million dollars’ worth of GOP vote suppression in that district by their continuing existence on the planet. The CRA hits are (poisonous) sugar roses on a very, very large cake in that sense.

  6. Says:

    Nate has posted comments attacking Kaloogian. Maybe he is to blame if Busby wins?

  7. Says:

    Nice try. I didn’t spend thousands of dollars to send my negative message out to the voters to suppress their turnout en masse.