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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego … 50th CD, More

50th Polling … KGTV Channel 10 released a "favorable/unfavorable" SurveyUSA poll, which you can see here.  Not sure how useful this is with out detailed info.  If you’re gonna ask only one question, why not ask how the respondent will vote … but, what do I know?  Here’s the toplines … for the frontrunners:


Busby / 38% / 26% / 20%

Bilbray / 23% / 20% / 29%

Kaloogian / 20% / 18% / 40%

Morrow / 19% / 20% / 35%

Roach / 20% / 24% / 32%

Uke / 15% / 22% / 39%

If you buy these numbers, Eric Roach’s advertising has definitely impacted the race, with a higher familiarity than Morrow and Kaloogian, but it has also increased his negatives.

Weekend Events … One of the premier annual political functions in San Diego County, certainly the best put together for/by an East County politico, isn’t even a dinner banquet.  It’s Duncan Hunter’s yearly "Sweet Potato Pancake Breakfast" held yesterday at the Sheraton Harbor Island.  While most are still rolling outta bed on a Saturday morning, close to 650 were on hand to hear the House Armed Services Committee Chairman’s view of America, our freedom, the war on terror, and the Dubai controversy.

As the attendees drove into the hotel parking lot, we were greeted by a smatter of about 15 sign holders, protesting Duncan/Bush/Iraq/Whatever, I don’t know … it was early and I was hungry.  The ever-appreciative Hunter commented later that the protesters had to leave early because of union rules against overtime.

Duncan, as down to earth as they come, especially given his power and influence in DC, learned long ago the best way to raise money while still being "everyman’s politician" is to make it simple, make it fun, make it casual, make it accessible to all.  Instead of charging $500 or $1,000 a pop, or even more — which he EASILY could — he makes it an easy $150 a seat, or $1,250 for a table of 10.  Many buy tables as a show of support, while allowing the seats to be used by the volunteers who go through the shoe leather for him.  He fills the place, with big-donors, college students, activists, you name it.  When you sell 670 seats at $1,250 or $1,500 a table … well, you do the math.

On hand was nearly every GOPer running for 77th State Assembly … Anderson, Beecham, Beyer, and Jenkin (this could be a downtown law firm), but surprisingly only a couple running for the 50th Congressional … Bilbray and Roach.  Perhaps chalk that up to the others not thinking Duncan’s supporters have a vote in the 50th, but — if so — they missed an opportunity to network with a host of donors and potential precinct walkers.  Other electeds on hand included Senator Hollingsworth, Assemblymembers La Suer, Plescia and Wyland, and local SD-area folks like Jillian Hanson-Cox, Ernie Ewin, John Ingalls, Jim Madaffer, Priscilla Schreiber and Larry Urdahl.  If I missed someone, hey, there were 600+ people there, scream at me here.

Not to be the Burl Stiff of the SD political scene, but Dennis Hollingsworth had a kick-off event Friday night for his re-election in the 36th S.D. against someone who won’t be getting their 15 minutes of fame in this race.  Hosted by past (and future?) Congressional contender Bill VanDeWeghe at his Point Loma home, supporters included newly-elected San Diego City Councilman Kevin Faulconer, El Cajon’s Hanson-Cox (she’s busy!) and Phil Thalheimer with the Jessica’s Law effort.  According to the campaign, the attendees "sampled California wine and cheese, and Hollingsworth thanked his supporters who will help make his second and final bid for Senate a great success."  Geez, now I have become Burl Stiff.

Local GOP Endorsements … The Party released the following:

Party Backs County Assessor Smith, Winet for County Board of Education, McSweeney for San Diego Unified

SAN DIEGO – San Diego Republican Chairman Ron Nehring announced this week the Republican Party of San Diego County will back incumbent County Assessor/Recorder/Clerk Gregory Smith for another term, school board member Rick Winet for County Board of Education District 3, and Michael McSweeney for San Diego Unified, District seat B.

Gregory Smith has served with distinction as the county’s Assessor/Recorder/Clerk for many years, and has consistently supported Republican principles of government accountability and efficiency. He is a member of the all- Republican team leading county government.

Rick Winet, President of the La Mesa- Spring Valley school board, is the Republican candidate for the County Board of Education, District 3. The La Mesa- Spring Valley board has consistently supported solid education goals and a focus on preparing kids for high school in this elementary district. Rick faces a Democrat just appointed to fill a vacancy created when Republican Ernie Dronenburg resigned earlier this year.

Michael McSweeney is the Republican candidate for San Diego Unified against incumbent Democrat Katherine Nakamura, who has been supported by various Democrat and liberal groups since her election to the board four years ago. Under San Diego Unified’s election rules, two candidates will be "nominated" by District B, and those candidates, the top two-vote getters in the June primary, will then run citywide in November.

All three candidates face no Republican opponents in November.

2 Responses to “Sunday San Diego … 50th CD, More”

  1. Says:

    Barry, USA Survey used automated calls, so they had trouble getting folks to stay on the line if they read the ballot with 18 candidates. I suspect they may come back with something on the top candidates which would be more managable.

    All the major Republicans have high negatives because they are positioning themselves as conservative Republicans for this district and for some reasson the Democrats don’t like that!

  2. Says:

    I guess as the old guy in the crowd…ok…stoos is old too….I simply don’t get fixated on polls…automated or whatever in a jungle primary like this….it’s going to come down to turnout…ballot position…etc…it’s 2 weeks out…a lifetime in a campaign like this.