Yesterday I wrote about Steve Schmidt, who is now closing in on two months as the campaign manager for Governor Schwarzenegger’s re-election. There was a story in the Capitol Weekly that was focused on Schmidt’s first three paychecks, which were pretty large. As I said in my piece, Schmidt not only got a hiring bonus (remember, he relocated his family to California from a pretty sweet-gig in the Administration in D.C.) but also may be the best investment that the campaign makes for the discipline and organizational skills he will bring to the campaign. This will pay off the most dividends if Schmidt can introduce some ‘consulting reform’ to the statewide campaign. A look back at traditional statewide campaigns and ballot measure efforts, most definately including the Governor’s past campaigns in both regards, show that a small group of consultants walk away with literally millions of dollars that could be going into voter contact. I don’t blame the consultants, who are looking out for their own interests. But having a campaign manager who is beholden to no one but the candidates, and who will make the same amount of money no matter what strategies or tactics are employed to win the campaign, is a good thing.
In response to the CapWeekly piece, there has been some rock-throwing from the glass-houses of Democratic consultants, seeking to make Schmidt’s pay an issue. Of course, the primary rock throwers are primarily those who have either been making a killing off of campaigns for years with these consulting fees (you know, small paycheck but then they make a 15% commission off of this, and that, so that they are really making a small fortune). Or the rock-throwers, unlike Schmidt who takes ONLY his campaign paycheck, are taking a campaign salary as just a small part of the money they make on other projects or business ventures. I’d like to see Garry South or Darry Sragow produce a full disclosure on how much money they make each year before they keep throwing projectiles from their fragile class houses.
The Race for Duke Cunningham’s Seat
As the early-April special election days nears in San Diego County, where over a dozen GOP candidates (and one Democrat) are vying to vill the seat of disgraced former Congressman Duke Cunningham, the presumed front-runner Brian Bilbray is now started to take direct attacks in the form of mail pieces, and a new anti-Bilbray website. You can read more about this on the FR weblog. Bilbray, a former Congressman, has enjoyed a lot of support and endorsements, and really benefits from the crowded field. His working as a lobbyist these past years will turn off many voters, but he doesn’t need that much of the pie to win the race. Predictably the hits on him are tying him to scoundrel Jack Abramoff. This will get more entertaining (for everyone but Bilbray) between now and election day.
Have a great Saturday!