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One for the sample mail file…

It usually only happens once or twice every election cycle–the piece of campaign mail that is worthy of my sample mail file (because I might just use it myself in a future campaign, just changing the names and photos).

A cross between a timeshare sales brochure and what I imagine Don Lapre would use to promote his latest infomercial product, it’s a damn good piece of direct mail. 

Dave Gilliard (GBW&A) is running Diane Harkey’s campaign for the 35th Senate District against Assemblyman Tom Harman.  Giliard’s "Harman Method" highlights how Harman has ‘gotten rich’ off being a legislator.  My research firm is doing Harkey’s polling.

Some people might think the piece is too cute, but it is well done and is even designed to be at first glance, a pro-Harman piece.  Which is all the better because once you start reading it, it’s clearly not.

Harkey is on track to win on April 11 and mail like this is one of the reasons.

2 Responses to “One for the sample mail file…”

  1. Says:

    This piece is hilarious!

    I think even Wayne Johnson would agree that it deserves an AAPC Poli Award.

  2. Says:

    That is the best piece of mail I’ve seen in 10 years. Absolutely awesome.